Comments on: Senfer UEs / NiceHCK Bro 2-in-1 Review – A Classic Revisited Music for the Masses. Sat, 23 Oct 2021 19:51:39 +0000 hourly 1 By: Soph Thu, 05 Dec 2019 00:10:30 +0000 I bought the UEs in 2016, it came right after my kz ATE-s. At the time their cost was $35. It was my second step to the hi-fi rabbit hole, and there is almost none info or reviews till this day on internet. Today I own a small collection on chi-fi but no matter what I try (tin t2, blon, v90, kb ear f1, many kz’s), what i listen to… When I come back to them, there’s always a smile in my face. Think you describe it all when you said they survived the test of time.
Thank you for bring it existence back to light

By: minimeMAGA- reddit Sun, 10 Nov 2019 00:22:39 +0000 “Loomis T. Johnson is a practicing attorney”…hmm, so I decided to not post on HF anymore, last was on the TWS thread 6mo ago, bc I dared to jump over to the KZ thread, and saw ‘slater’s sig line with something I didn’t understand ‘banned’ this or that, read some more from that link, then said to myself, hmm, why is there *nothing* about this anywhere I look, say in the ‘feedback’ forum.

Since I had been off HF & forums in general for about 5+yrs while dealing with multitude of stresses, like 2 v. long/excruciating/exhausting yrs of dealing with failed healthcare system in trying to save my parents lives, so they could celibrate 66yrs of marriage…I failed miserably, still suffer major PTSD(then my older bro had affair with illegal Filipino caregiver/both of them took over parents home/made false claims, had police pointing 4 handguns at me…but I digress), I foolishly started a thread to inquire.

hardware forums also has a TWS thread, but I read their public(unlike HF) terms & conditions, almost as long as those of a credit card, written by attorneys for sure, so long, no one in their rt mind reads. Anyway, that thread on asking wtf where the posting guidelines, got deleted in the wk I was off HF, I came bck, said: wtf happend to my feedback thread? AlexClosis is this guy’s chosen Admn of HF>

My post explained that if ‘Jude’ wanted to fix this issue, he certainly could; but that I”m not posting on HF when there is ZERO transparancy, and I dont’ even know the rules, seems it’s a ‘secret’ handshake/code for only HF regulars, which isn’t me.

Further, there we any number of so-called, violating the invisible terms posts, on the KZ thread & others on Chi-Fi. I just wanted to know what was what, for myself or any other noobs visiting the site…and instead they hide/they arbitrarily delete & say ‘we had to clean up this thread which did not comply with the ***posting guidelines***’…which if you spend 30min searching for the link to the posting guidelines comes up with an error for that link!, they send PM’s, they don’t care. They need to hire an attorney(*competent: don’t get me started w/incompentent/corrupt/morally bankrupt attorneys>then I’ll get to tears explaining how bad healtcare&shockingly lousy physicians treated my father to his death, after 1/2century career medicine was his life long love besides my mom, as 1 of the most respected old-school physicians in his lifelong hometown)

…and come up with some 1/2way decent rules, and not put the burden on newbies to try to figure out the secret codes of conduct??? /rant.

But I had a question about all these picks, if I have pretty decent hearing up to 12khz…old ears, but have one fault of about a dip of 10db loss rt ~8khz, will any of these sound deficient, harsh in low to mid treble simblance; but at the same time not lose something around my hearing loss @8khz, 10db isn’t huge, but for some reason Apple earbuds have a spike rt at that frequency??? There are some FR graphs where some of these hp/ep have a pretty substantial 10db drop or so rt @7-8khz..why?

I hear simblance for sure in this outstanding live version(but don’t care, it’s the best recording ever of this song), w/full orchestra, on ‘radar love’ bc the singer is basically eating the mic while belching out as loud as possible ‘no more SSSSpeeed’, But other examples of simblance I’ve seen posted, don’t really bother me at all…is it all >12khz, young ears?

@Loomis, after I find a probate attorney that can evict my dangerous bro&Filipino, I might get access to SuperTramp:COTC MFSL-UHQR w/<~50 plays, bought new when I was a teenager for what I thought @the time was super expensive $50, compared to standard MFSL1/2sp master @$20…still had annoying pops/cracks, just fewer…I have no use for it now. Also prob 100+ super heavy 78rpm collection my father had stored of his LP's from the 40s, swing era, iirc.
