Comments on: Tforce Audio Yuan Li Review (1) – Harmonious Doppelgänger Music for the Masses. Sat, 30 Oct 2021 17:32:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Durwood (Chicago, USA) Sat, 16 Oct 2021 04:17:10 +0000 Maybe he is MY doppleganger? The chrome, the DLC driver, it seemed only fitting to dig out my KPE and compare. While swapping back and forth the fit, the weight, and the sound and I almost lost track of which one was which. I wanted to compare them to my Senfer DT9 I purchased since it also has a chrome metal shell and a DLC driver, but unfortunately the DT9 had a severe channel imbalanced BA driver. But to answer your question, I have no idea who adriansticoid is, but you can find me as the one and only Durwood @ headfi amongst other audio forums haunting around bewitched.

By: Warbling J Laskitude Mon, 20 Sep 2021 20:54:27 +0000 Whoa..that’s weird, no? The “new Head-Fier” with handle of “adriansticoid” ALSO compares these to the Kanas Pro, and what’s more, like yours, it’s his only comparison! Mad coincidence, conspiracy, or what?
