Tripowin x HBB Olina Review — “CO2” (Cloned-O2)?


These days, frequently, a reviewer collaborates with a manufacturer to design earphones with his or her tuning. Such products are generally very much hyped by the reviewers themselves or their fanboy or both. The US$99 Tripowin X HBB Olina (will be known as “Olina” from now) is such a product.

Recently, there have been endless mentions and discussions on this earphone. As the name implies, Olina is a collaboration between Tripowin and HawaiiBadBoy (HBB) of Bad Guy Good Audio Reviews YouTube channel.

The Olina is being promoted as using the same 10mm Carbon Nanotube (CNT) dynamic driver and tuned similarly to another Chi-Fi single dynamic driver classic – Tanchjim Oxygen (will be known as “O2” from now). The O2 retails for US$280, although you can buy one for around US$200 from Drop right now.

The Tanchjim Oxygen is on our Wall of Excellence.

Tanchjim O2 is known for its coherent, smooth yet technical sound. Olina, as claimed by many, to be as good as if not better than O2… So, to validate these bold claims, I picked up a loaner unit from a friend.

So, is this “CO2” or “Cloned-O2” is as good as those claims? The O2 is my own personal set. Let’s find out…

DISCLAIMER: The Tripowin X HBB Olina was a loaned set from a friend. I will keep my impression straight-to-the-point and as truthful as possible.

My listening was done with as many sources and platforms as possible for fair results. This includes playback from both desktop and portable setups. The music I use ranges from pop and rock, jazz and classical, as well as EDM and movie OST.

Initial listening was done with an all-stock configuration. I also experimented with third-party accessories and PEQ during subsequent listening tests.


Harman Target tuning for versatility! Dynamic, punchy and full-bodied bass with just the right touch of sub-bass. Midrange is clean and highlights micro-nuances and textures very well. The vocals are crisp, clear and vivid. Treble extension is excellent with ample amount of air and space. Music instruments such as percussion, trumpet and saxophone come across as clean and pristine.

Stage has good dimensions with pinpoint imaging, good instrument and channel separation. Overall tonality is bright, lavish and contrasty. Technical performance is very good at this price. Smooth and rounded housing allows long listening sessions without discomfort. Fit is surprisingly stable for such chunky earphones.


Very forward vocals almost to the point of shouty and nasally, dominating almost the entire frequency spectrum. Upper-midrange may sound unnatural due to the harsh and plasticky timbre. Bass isn’t as powerful as some of the other HBB collaborations. Sub-bass rumble not as defined as O2.

Unfortunately, the mid-bass lacks texture and detail despite its slightly bright nature. Because of this, certain instruments like bass and cello may sound a bit hazy and one-dimensional. Despite its very good technical performance, I find it strident and a bit artificial.

You can have very good technical performance and still sound natural at the same time… Fine examples are Acoustune HS1697Ti and Moondrop KATO. The overall presentation of black box, gray housing and gray cable aren’t the most aesthetically-pleasing (to me).

Tripowin Olina
Olina vs. Harman Target 2019.
Tripowin Olina
Olina normalized to Harman Target 2019.
Tripowin Olina
Olina vs. Oxygen.
Tripowin Olina
Olina Bass decay.


Due to its forward vocal and bright-sounding nature, Olina is best paired with a laid-back and warm sounding tube DAC/amp, such as the Woo Audio WA7 Fireflies. For portable DAP, the Cayin N3Pro synergies well with Olina.

I would also replace the stock cable to one made of pure OFC copper from any reputable brand (personally I go for Yinyoo). I understand HBB suggested pairing with SpinFit CP-100. Being an eartip connoisseur myself, SpinFit won’t be my first choice. I would go for either Canal Works CW Dual Nozzle or JVC Spiral Dot. Both of these eartips tame upper-midrange harshness and glare.

You find the eartips mentioned above in my guide.

Suggested PEQ Settings

41Hz, +5.0dB

Low-shelf,330Hz, -1.5dB,

Low-shelf2, 500Hz, -3.0dB

Q=1.805,000Hz, -3.0dB

Q=3.09,500Hz, -4.5.0dB

Q=8.012,700Hz, -6.0dB

Q=8.0Preamp gain: -1.5dB


Now the MOST IMPORTANT question… Is Olina tuned similar to O2? My firm and definite answer is “NO!”…

Then is Olina as good as O2? Again, no! O2 is another league altogether (to me at least).

Then what the hell is Olina good for? If you like very forward and bright vocals, Olina may be your cup of tea. In comparison, O2 has better tonality, overall coherency, finesse and technicalities. Olina just sounds bright, harsh and aggressive. 

Here is a fine example that same graph does not equate to same sound. On paper, both Olina and 02 measure very similarly but actual side-by-side listening proved otherwise.

Appearance-wise, Olina looks drab with the gray-and-gray theme. The name Olina supposed to mean “joy” in Hawaiian native language, unfortunately this presentation doesn’t “spark joy” for me.

There you have it… Another hype train crashed and went up in smoke… Or should I say another bag of air labeled as “CO2” or Cloned-O2.

Gallery: Olina vs. Oxygen

Tripowin Olina
Tripowin Olina


  • Tripowin x HBB Olina Review — "CO2" (Cloned-O2)? 1

    Head-Fier since 2018. “Who is KopiOkaya?” that is the first question many audiophiles and earphone enthusiasts ask when stumbled upon his coffee cup avatar… “I am just a nobody…” – that is his usual answer. This “nobody” has his audio roots stretch until the mid-1970s when his father hauled back a set of Sansui-Luxman-Coral combo from “a friend’s place” (so that mom believed it was a given set). He fell in love with the sound instantly, and the rest is history. Previously taught in a public school, now a full-time tutor and an “ad-hoc” multimedia producer, Kopi wants to divert his attention from his teaching job and focus on something he truly loves – hifi audio. Throughout the years, Kopi owned many “nice” equipment and accessories… until the year 2009 when he discovered Chi-Fi or Chinese Hifi. An euraka moment, it was the sound he had been looking for all these years despite spending thousands and thousands of dollars on branded, highly-reviewed equipment. He sold everything (except a few good cables) and downgraded to pretty much bare minimal.Back to the very first question… What is “KopiOkaya” then… In Singapore, where Kopi is based in, kopi O simply refers to thick black coffee and kaya is a type of toast spread made of brown sugar, coconut milk, eggs and pandan leaves, commonly served as breakfast in Southeast Asia regions.

KopiOkaya (Singapore)

Head-Fier since 2018. “Who is KopiOkaya?” that is the first question many audiophiles and earphone enthusiasts ask when stumbled upon his coffee cup avatar… “I am just a nobody…” – that is his usual answer. This “nobody” has his audio roots stretch until the mid-1970s when his father hauled back a set of Sansui-Luxman-Coral combo from “a friend’s place” (so that mom believed it was a given set). He fell in love with the sound instantly, and the rest is history. Previously taught in a public school, now a full-time tutor and an “ad-hoc” multimedia producer, Kopi wants to divert his attention from his teaching job and focus on something he truly loves – hifi audio. Throughout the years, Kopi owned many “nice” equipment and accessories… until the year 2009 when he discovered Chi-Fi or Chinese Hifi. An euraka moment, it was the sound he had been looking for all these years despite spending thousands and thousands of dollars on branded, highly-reviewed equipment. He sold everything (except a few good cables) and downgraded to pretty much bare minimal.Back to the very first question… What is “KopiOkaya” then… In Singapore, where Kopi is based in, kopi O simply refers to thick black coffee and kaya is a type of toast spread made of brown sugar, coconut milk, eggs and pandan leaves, commonly served as breakfast in Southeast Asia regions.

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