Comments on: Aune Jasper Review (1) – Brutally Revealing Music for the Masses. Sat, 23 Oct 2021 21:41:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: warbling j laskitude Mon, 01 Feb 2021 23:57:17 +0000 In reply to warbling j laskitude.

*don’t ask me why

By: warbling j laskitude Mon, 01 Feb 2021 23:56:39 +0000 *don’t ask me why

By: warbling j laskitude Mon, 01 Feb 2021 23:54:59 +0000 We see that LJ – was first gonna refer to him as ‘Johnson’ but thought it inadvisable – has seen fit to nudge us with his political sensibilities again, as per the reference to one Stephen Miller. Wouldn’t, say, “…make Bernays blush” have been more elegant for those who come here half-expecting a sort of refuge from the sociopolitical furor, in the (wait for it) heady realms of high fidelity?

I suppose i’d better go “just askin” now..

Anyhoo, thankyou for what I’d call a preliminary inspection of the Aune Jasper..i have a hunch don’t ask me what that it’s the kind of set which will turn out to be a total keeper down the track…

Perhaps i might mention that my own experience of things Aune ran into vexatious territory recently, when i tried to ask the “official Aune dealers in Europe” – i think they might be Dutch – about the problem i have trying to find a ‘synergistic’ IEM pairing with my Aune B1 amp. They appeared to not even know what high output impedance and consequently overdriven sensitive IEMs meant!
